Friday, March 20, 2009

We have been sick at our house. Ed was sick for several days and then I was and then Ed came home sick again on Thursday. At least when i was sick I was so sick I just slept and didn't even care what was happening to the house instead of laying on the couch feeling miserable and watching what was happening or not happening to the house. I was going to go to Utah but I was too sick.I think there was a reason I wasn't supposed to go. I felt strongly one night that I was going with money I didn't really have to buy stuff I really didn't need ( but oh I wanted it!!!) but the next day I thought ya I'll go. The next night I felt the same about not going but the next day I still planned on going and even started to pack. The next morning I was just too sick!!!!!
Yesterday and today was the first day i felt half way good at all and it was wonderful. I got the house cleaned up again and spent a lot more time in the food store room. I really feel like we need to be getting something and I want to clean and organize the room and see what that something is.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Oh wow! Your story bring the goosebumps and tears on.

I am excited too now to find out what the spirit is whispering to you. I am glad you are not sick anymore. It's funny how some of trials are "blessings" in disguise.