Monday, March 23, 2009

I'm going to have a little fun on here today and post my TO DO list. Yes sometimes I really like having a list so i feel the accomplishments as I cross it off.
1. Kitchen-the whole kitchen! floor cupboards table stove
2. Laundry- besides my own ( I was gone all saturday!) I have three large bags for another family. Not only is she suffering morning sickness- her washer is broken!
3.Entry way- I am really thankful for a large entry way with lots of coathooks but the cupboard in there makes one more place to pile stulff :-(
4.Livingroom- quick pick up and vacum. I am going to get rid of furniture when I get my new couch. Less stuff looks cleaner.
5. Bedroom- I moved my bedroom around saturday before I left to scrapbook. Now I need to clean it.
6. Bathroom
7. Find Treydon's clean clothes. Okay I wash dry and fold them and send them downstairs to be put away. Guess what-- they weren't put away!!!!!
8. My sewing craft room which also has Ta'merra's little pets and barbie dolls because I won't let them go downstairs to get lost. And there were little girls here playing while I was gone!
9. Sew or scrapbookDo you think I will get there? Depends if I skip around on the list.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

WOW! I hope this isn't a list for just one day!
It's for a whole week, right?? : D

I will get some stuff together here and I will send it to your e-mail regarding food storage stuff. I am excited that you are excited about doing more on that.