Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Thanksgiving center piece. It was a nice thanksgiving for me. I only had to cook the turkey and the married kids brought potatoes and fruit salad and pie.
So while I was relaxing I cleaned out my two personal junk drawers that my daughter has been bugging me to do forever.

And sewed some more christmas jammies. These two nighties and one jammies are in matching prints but differant colors. I have one more pair of jammies for the only boy in that family!


Lynn said...

Hmmmm......."Personal junk drawer". Isn't PERSONAL the key word here?? Ha HA!!

Yup! Defensive I am. I too have personal junk drawers and I just keep reminding people that they are PERSONAL! : D LOL!

Twylla Gibbens said...

wow you have been busy!