Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I put ribbon through a blanket I had made

Of course laundry

Many many times. Well only four loads and I was finished!

My camera. Another whole story!! I bought Colt a camera like this for his grad present. He really loved it but alas in Utah on a hiking trip he was taking pictures and stepped back and stumbled and well.......broke his camera! I really felt he needed one for his mission so I bought him another one. I kept borrowing his because mine would take four pictures and needed new batteries. So Colt gave me for a belated birthday present a camera just like his. I have been loving it although I don't know how to run all the fun options yet. I had it put up high so I could download onto my blog and I was tidying up the livingroom when I found it on the floor and it didn't work any more.Well I am really into my camera now and blogging and scrapbooking so I went and bought myself another camera. So I guess Colt and I have REALLY expensive cameras
And on the same sunday we got a seat belt ticket coming home from church. I would say we have our belts on 95 % of the time but none of us had put them on yet.


Lynn said...

Oh No! I can't believe all the bad luck your family has with cameras. : (

I REALLY like that blanket with the ribbon you made. You are SO talented.

The Nevilles would like to say... said...

Your kids have muscles! They are looking so grown up. Leslie