Saturday, October 11, 2008


I really felt like I needed to connect with some family so we made a real quick trip to Cardston. I saw a good friend Laura for about 1/2 hour and a cousin for 15 minutes and my nieces for about 1/2 hour. Here's LaVerle and I.
Mckenzie and cousin Tad
Isn't this just like a big brother?!?!
Montey and I.


Lynn said...

LOL! Funny boy. I haven't seen Uncle Monty or Aunt Melodie for So long. Looks like things are going well, by that mischievious smile of his.. : D

The Nevilles would like to say... said...

So that's where you were. I'll have to talk to you today. It looks like we're doing the same things-costumes and organizing and picture taking. Love it. Leslie