Friday, January 30, 2009

We ( Ta'merra and I) have been studying those words shown earlier on pink cards, every day this week. I was really discouraged because she just was not seeming to remember any of them. This morning in her book bag was her test results on the words and she got 7 out of 8, 6 out of 9 and 6 out of 8!!!!! I was really excited and it gives me incenitive to keep trying. Also Josh took his book report in today and its not due until Monday. Major major accomplishment. This one was a picture segment in 10 parts. We even cut words out of a newspaper to copy one of the parts in the book and took a picture of Josh taking a picture for the photographer and Josh drew pictures.One part in the book I thought was ironically funny. The main charector was getting hate mail about his dad being an convict and that the kid shouldn't play football because of that. The word picture was a man in jail stripes serving a clock. HA HA a man serving time!!!! Josh is anohter one of my kids that really struggles with homework so this was a mojor project for the week and I really hope the teachers recognizes that it is done and passed in EARLY. I cut out nit-shirts yesterday and some squares for my quilt. Trying to decide if there is a certain way I should sew it togather. I don't think I have enough squares of one kind to make a pattern so I guess the true patchwork quilt is all the scraps sewn together.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Oh that is FANTASTIC! You certainly do deserve a pat on the back for spending so much care and attention to their needs. What inspiration you are to me!