Thursday, January 29, 2009

I got the nicest compliment from Sheena. It really made my day and that coupled iwth the flylady message about "when is enough and want versus need" I decided to make some more t-shirts. I only have plain colors left and I will make sure to add inches to the lenght. I have also been crocheting baby blankets for expected new gtandbaby. Not knowing what I am doing both girl and boy. I somehow thught i had unlimited blankets with holes in from before we moved but I am down to two. :-( Yesterday I rounded up all the shoes and mitts and matched them. Then we threw away worn out shoes ,odd mitts and had a rather large bag of shoes the kids had grown out of ( or otherwise) Just then my mother in law turned up and she took the shoes to store them for the next rummage sale. That was great because I am trying to declutter. I was going to work downstairs today but have grandkids here so I am going to cut out t-shirts and squares.


Lynn said...

Your post has inspired me. I should go through all the winter stuff and shoes too!

Sheena Searls said...

Well, it was true. I can't think of humanitarian aid without thinking of you. :)