Saturday, February 21, 2009

Notice how fat those envelopes are?
And to add insult he also brought these over! Two layers thick. Does he not know how hard I am working on counting caleries? Not only counting them but trying to keep under 1200 a day?

And he wants me to scrapbook these for him. Does my dear oldest son not know how long it takes to scrapbook?

And more candy for the kids. This is the 2nd time he has brought a bucket over from his halloween candy for my kids to finish off.
And besides his and my scrapbook projects and the patch work quilts I want to finish and being the school treasulrer. I was just called to be the secretary in the Relief Society. I am really looking forward to this because I will get to know the ladies better. But really when is there time to do housework?????


The Nevilles would like to say... said...

ooohhhhh send the macadamia nuts down to me! They're my favorite. Leslie

Lynn said...

Awwwww! Leslie beat me to it....I was going to suggest major delegating. And I was delegating the chocolate eating to me! : D

Congrats on your new calling! That is exciting!