Sunday, August 24, 2008

I have a daughter in law who doesn't believe in christmas?! She was giving me all the reasons - economical- greed etc stress etc etc. I thought about it and she was saying we start giving to too many people etc. I thought back to when her husband was a paper boy and how much he appreciated the christmas gifts from the people on his route. Anyway as I was thinking of it I have to agree that you can spend too much money and stress out etc but you don't have too. I stress out- but its a good kind of stress- trying to get the people I love just the right thing- or what I think is the right thing. And yes we give to teachers now that we are in a small town again. But we are giving gifts they can use up and for our one male teacher we are giving a home made pie.( not made by me- thank goodness) I really enjoying being able to make some of the things. And by the way my son( husband of the non believer) wants me to give him a quilt for christmas! And on the way home from church today I had a sudden brain storm and I know exactly what I am giving LaVerle for christmas! DUH!!!

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