Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Warning you may not want to read this because I am just going to be whining. I hate depression!!! I hate knowing the symtons and taking the meds and doing what I think I need to be doing and having it cast a gray gloom over everything I am doing! When i think about my life right now things are going rather smoothly. My adult sons are enjoying spending time with each other ( which at one point in their young lifes I wondered if they ever would :-). And i see the five youngest in a circle on the floor playing together. And I really enjoy doing and making stuff for christmas. I do- I really do, I just wish I had someone to discuss, ponder, deliberate etc over what I am buying or making. But over top all this hangs this black cloud like in that cartoon where the cloud follows the little guy around. AND I HATE IT!!! I want to enjoy what I am doing.
Today Treydon gets an evaluation. I am really excilted. I went to a parent meeting where this guy was talking and I learned more from it than the courses I took. And he is going to come and just be with Treydon in his normal school day and then talk to me.
Lynn I really like your christmas token for your ward. I think I may steal ( with your permission) the idea and do it for the members in Hanna. Because we only have few members in Hanna we are either their home teachers or they are ours ( or both!) and visiting teachers. I am excited about it.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Oh Darlene. Depression is the worst. I am SO sorry to hear that you are going through it. IS there anything I can do from this end?
I hope you have some wonderful Home Teachers and Visiting Teachers. Make sure you call them when they are needed.
You go right ahead and "steal" our tradition. That's why I share them. It's fun and I love to get ideas from all you creative people too. I wish I had as many talents that you do.
Hang in there and I will keep you in my prayers.
{ { Hugs}}