Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A cute tradition that I read about . Wrap up the christmas story books ( that you can read in one setting) your old and some new. Every night starting Dec. 1rst the kids open one book and you read it together as a family. we are going to do it this year. Treydon had his eval yesterday and I was really excited to talk to the man doing it after. He says Treydon has a lot of potential and that by the time he is a young man it may not be apparent to people that he is autistic. We have to teach him copeing skills etc. For example they said we HAVE to teach him to say. I can only follow one instruction at a time. And right now we have to concentrate on giving him words. We have to make him a bunch of pictures on a card with the word on it so if he can't find the word he can show you the picture.And its better if the picture is Treydon holding or doing it. Also they talked about social stories which I didn't think he needed because he just goes with the flow no problem but when it was explained to me it made sense.For instance when someone says field trip to the fire station what do you do? I see a school bus with kids on it and the firetruck at the station. Treydon doesn't. He just goes on the bus cause everyone is. So we do a social story where we show him a bus and tell him abut the field trip and show him a fire engine and have it marked on the calender and show him so he can sorta get a picture in his mind. Does that make sense ? I want to write this down while its fresh to me so I don't forget. I didn't think he needed the picture because his aid and i know what he wants but it was explianed that this will help Treydon and expand his word use and be able to comunicate with other people. This is a really short version but will remind me of what we talked about. Also they all laughed when I asked how to get him to sit still in church for an hour. They said that was beyound his capibilites and would just be very frustrating for him and me.But he does okay most of primary. Only thing its an hour to church so its hard to take him only for part of it. But it will really take the frustration out of Sundays for me.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Sounds like you have a guy there that can really help.
I found this very interesting.. Thanks for sharing it.

I bet you will have your hands full doing all of this, but it's so nice that we have all kinds of research now that will help your young man. Isn't it great? And I like the hope they gave him about being able to show no signs of his disability when he is older....that he will be able to have the coping skills. That is wonderful.

You are a GREAT mom! I prayed for you last night and I got the picture in my mind of all the hard work you do with these kids. Awesome!