Friday, November 7, 2008


I am getting ready for a birthday party and I am really tense about it. Its the first one I have had for the twins outside of family and I am not sure about Treydon- if he will participate or what. He has a fantastic aide and she told me kids that interact really well with him. I suppose all the kids will be all right its just me stressing. So I have thought of a couple of random things today and I am taking a stress break on the computer. A while ago one of the tags was about quirks . One I have is that I love baths. I will bath anytime over a shower. The quirk is that when I am home alone, everyone is at school or work I still lock the bathroom door and pull the shower curtain. And Lynn talking about traditions and I was thinking the only one we have is the christmas eve jammies but i realized last night another one. On birthdays we open the gifts after supper when we have cake and icecream. Even though the twins have a party today they opened our gifts last night.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Cool traditions.

My quirks go a step further than locking the bathroom door, I think.

I have both doors locked (front and back) 24 hrs a day. EVen when the kids ARE home with me. They have been trained to do this from the time they were babies. It comforts me to know my little family is SAFE inside. I know. Terrible, eh? But in this city and in this day and age, you just don't know.

This house is so old that it squeaks and moves. Sometimes I think someone is in the house and they are not. It freaks me out. And it's not just me. My husband will be working down in the basement at his computer and thinks one of the kids are up and when he comes one is. They are all fast asleep. Maybe we have a ghost! LOL!