Sunday, September 28, 2008


Sweet Father in Heaven whose love is divine
Thank you so much for this son who is mine
To others he'd be a burden to bear
But to me he's a joy to which none can compare
I know that he's differant from most boys and girls
He speaks kinda funny and plays strange with his toys
For him change is hard, he can get so upset
He must seem odd to those he has met
Yet as I look into those precious brown eyes
I know that you Lord gave me this surprise
For life doesn't always turn out the way that we hope
You know what is best and its through you I cope
You help me to see as others do stare
That this is my precious boy not a burden to bear
Although he is differnat than some other kid
I'm glad that you did what you did
And then it occurs as if from above
You knew that I was the one for this love
You knew I'd rejoice in his triumps though small they might be
And urge him to greatness despice what they see
I'd find joy and laughter where there might be tears
I'd see his limits and proceed with out fears

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Oh you brought TEARS to my eyes! What a beautiful poem and a beautiful son you have. I love this post.

I could see my mom feeling those same things that you wrote of when she and dad adopted a couple of really troubled kids after I already left home. She could relate to this post a LOT!

Thanks for sharing. You have the biggest heart (er...Hart). : D