Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hello All. I am in vancover with Shane and Charlotte and their baby Cameron. He had to have an operation , something to do with his food couldn't go where it needed to, to be digested so it came back up. He seems to be doing well and so far after two feedings he has kept it down. I think its the same kind of thing Montey had as a baby. The weather is gorgeous in Vernon B.C and everything is so green.


Lynn said...

Isn't the internet a wonderful thing?! So cool.

Glad that you are having a good visit and that things have gone well for the surgery.

Dean's baby brother had the same thing. He was one of the younger set of twins. Only they didn't know what he had in those days.

Rockelle said...

vancouver or Vernon? Where are you?
Your only 6 hours away from me if your in Vancouver...Does Shane live in Vernon?