Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Becky, Amy and I had a pedicure. Its become a tradition when I go to Utah. Don't let them get a hold of your feet- look what happens.
Just kidding. I broke my toe while I was there. Poor lady was scared to taouch it while she was doing the pedicure. I just barely bumped it against a corner wall. At first it stuck straight sideways and then it swoll up.


Sheena Searls said...

why didn't you call me while you were here??? I would have loved to see you. You need to name the parents when you talk about your grandkids. I can't keep them all straight! :)

Lynn said...

OUCH!!!! Breaking baby toe on the corner of furniture often......also a family trait. I can't tell you how often I do that! It drives Dean crazy!